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TLC Safety By Design | Products Inspired By Real Life

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5 Star ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviews

Shop Toxic and Safe Human Foods for Pets Magnet

I ordered one of these magnets for myself and a couple extras to give to friends. Even though I'm pretty up-to-date on what foods not to give our dog, it's a nice visual reminder to have on the fridge. It's especially helpful for everyone else in the house to have a handy reminder of what not to share with him. Besides the magnets being perfect for any dog lover, TLC Safety by Design seems to be a wonderful seller to work with. I had zero problems with my order but I still was contacted to make sure I was happy with my order. Great company who actually cares about their customers!


Pet Emergency Home Alone Plastic Card & Key Tag

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Dog Home Alone Emergency Plastic Card & Key Tag

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Cat Home Alone Emergency Plastic Card & Key Tag

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Medical Emergency Plastic Card & Key Tag

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People are talking about us - and it's all good!

The emergency ID card arrived very quickly and it is perfect! Just what I expected!! If you have pets and you don’t have one you should get one!! I feel more secure knowing my fur baby will be taken care of in the event of an emergency!! This is a great shop that cares about its customers.

My Pets Are Home Alone Emergency Plastic Card and Key Tag

We keep this magnet on our refrigerator so we always know what we can or can't give to our dogs. It's also really helpful to have important phone numbers for poison control right there on the magnet. When we're cooking in the kitchen, we have a visible guide for what would be dangerous for our pets.

Large Toxic and Safe Foods for Pets Magnet

Such a good idea. Small, fits well on our key chains. My wife and I each have one of these keychains and really like them. It gives us a sense of security knowing our cats will be safe if we aren't because the keychain has a place for emergency contact.

My Pets Are Home Alone Emergency Key Tag

Shop Adult Safety Items

TLC Safety By Design® | Products Inspired By Real Life.

In order to preserve our excellent reputation for our products and outstanding customer service, TLC Safety By Design® is the only authorized online Amazon and Etsy marketplace seller of our products. We do not authorize selling our products on ANY Marketplace platforms to 3rd party online re-sellers and cannot guarantee the authenticity or great customer service that our customers have come to expect from us. If you buy TLC Safety By Design® Products from a seller other than us on an online marketplace platform, such as Amazon, Etsy, Ebay, etc.. then please know that we did not authorize that seller nor can we help you with any quality or shipping issues that may arise.

Please do not use our photos or descriptions for commerical use, but feel free to share them for on your social media pages and blogs with a photo credit to TLC Safety By Design®. Photos, Illustrations and original design © 2017-2022 Alissa Rothstein/TLC Safety By Design®

*Free Shipping on orders $35.00 or more is not valid on wholesale, special or bulk custom orders.